Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our little Schroeder...

Here's a video of Isaac playing the piano at my parent's...

Monkeying around...

Isaac LOVES his little monkey that Grandma and Grandpa Burmeister got him on their trip to New York this fall. Whenever he sees Monks (very original name, we know) :-) he gets a huge smile on his face, gives him a big kiss, and then starts talking to him. He gave Monks a piggy back ride at his Great-Grandparents' last weekend, and fell asleep with him last night in the jumperoo at Grandma and Grandpa Burmeister's. Life is great when Monks is around!

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is definitely not my favorite fact, it's probably my least favorite. First of all, I really don't like the color orange...that too, is probably my least favorite. I also don't care for spiders, ghosts, goblins, witches, etc. and think that they make for some rather ugly decorations...though I have seen a few cute ghosts. However, Halloween does happen to fall right in the middle of my favorite SEASON, and I do love pumpkins, pumpkin flavored foods, and seeing the joy in children's faces when they get to get dressed up for Halloween, and when they see their newly carved jack-o-lantern lit up in the dark outside. There are some fun things that go along with Halloween, I have to admit. Isaac enjoyed his first Halloween dressed up as a little bear (thanks, Jill, for the costume!).

The week before, we went to Grandpa & Grandma Nelson's to carve his first pumpkin. Needless to say, as you can see in the pictures, he was not impressed. In fact, he seemed downright scared of the pumpkin.

The little bear had a difficult time playing with his toys once his hands turned into paws...

We were at Grandpa and Grandma Harrison's for the weekend, so went trick or treating to three of their neighbors. Isaac looked at us like we were crazy and was definitely wondering what in the world we were doing, but he seemed to have a good time, anyway.

Isaac with the pumpkin Grandpa carved...grown in his garden. He seemed a little less scared of this one...maybe he's getting used to this whole Halloween thing.

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