Thursday, January 28, 2010

Isaac is ONE!!!

Posted by PicasaIt seems very hard to believe that 365 days have already passed since our precious, blue-eyed angel came into our lives. It was at this moment that I am writing - 8:43am, that I was lying on the bed in the hospital answering a bunch of questions from the nurse. The only one I remember is "if your heart should stop for any reason today, would you like it to be resuscitated?" Ummm...yes, please! I was reminded at that moment how fragile life is, and what a miracle life is. It's rather unfathomable to think about how life begins. I'm in awe every time I think about Isaac growing inside of me...from a tiny little tadpole to a beautiful baby boy. How his eyes, lips, nose and ears were formed just perfectly. How his brain learns and picks up on things. It is truly amazing. It is incomprehensible to me how someone could see a baby be born, and grow and develop and still not believe that there is a God...for there truly is, and we give Him thanks so many times every day for entrusting us with His child. One of my favorite singer/songwriters, Cherri Keaggy expresses perfectly what is in mine and Brian's hearts..."Lord we thank you for everything you give us, but most importantly, we pray Lord Jesus, make our son a little boy on his knees. We pray that someday he'll become a young man on his knees." That's what it's all Jesus. Trusting in Him. Living for Him. Loving Him. Having faith in Him. We pray that Isaac gets that...and believes it. The speed at which this past year went by is a gentle reminder to cherish and hold tight to every moment we have with Isaac. Time really does go way too fast. Our baby is now a toddler...soon to be a preschooler...soon to be school-aged, soon to be an adolescent, and soon to be off to college...making a life of his own...a wife, children, and us...grandparents. The circle of life. We hold tight to these moments and cherish the memories we can hold in our hearts forever. We love you, Isaac...more than we will ever be able to express to you. Happy Birthday, Love!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


My friend Jess posted her Christmas pictures on her blog January 11th, and titled it "The Ridiculously Late Christmas Post". Well, here we are 9 days later on the 20th and I am finally getting around to it. I'm not sure what to title this late post other than Christmas, but I think I will reserve the word ridiculous to describe the number of collages that follow to tell the story of Isaac's first Christmas! In my defense, we celebrated Christmas SEVEN times with family.
1. Brian's dad and step-mom 2. the three of us 3. Christmas Eve with my parents and brother (since we couldn't make it to my grandparent's due to weather...Tracy was in Kansas with her boyfriend) 4. Brian's mom and step-dad 5. my Solberg grandparents and relatives 6. my Burmeister grandparents and relatives 7. my immediate family at my parent's house
We had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends!
We love you all!!!

I love this picture...

He loved his gingerbread house!

Christmas with Brian's dad and step-mom...his very first Christmas present!

Christmas Eve all ready for church! He also got a couple gifts from G&G B.

At Brian's mom and step-dad's...Kaylee helped open presents! :-)

At the Great-Grandparent's homes...

He was rather fascinated with my parent's Christmas tree and the ribbon on gifts.

Christmas at my parent's home.

Go Vikes!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Helping out around the kitchen...

Happy New Year! I've fallen a bit behind with keeping up to date on this blog. It's hard to be motivated to do it when I'm not sure if anyone really even reads it! :-) I'll post some pictures of Christmas soon. Isaac loves to help around the kitchen...sometimes too much. His tiny fingers have been accidentally stepped on a couple times when Brian is cooking and Isaac quietly sneaks up behind him and waits to be picked up. He loves to check out what's cooking on the stove and seems genuinely interested in it all...maybe he will be a great cook just like his daddy! That would be would ensure that I don't ever have to somehow learn to enjoy cooking. I can continue to only make my specialties of spaghetti, mac 'n cheese, eggs and grilled cheese on days that Brian needs a break from the kitchen. Brian has told me that I am better at making breakfast food than him...what a compliment! :-) I am definitely blessed to be married to a man who is not only a wonderful husband and daddy, but a wonderful cook, as well. He keeps us well fed...I only wish I had his metabolism!

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