Sunday, February 20, 2011

All Aboard!!!

We celebrated Isaac's birthday Sat., January 22nd.  It was a fun day and we can hardly believe he is already 2 years old!  We had his party the week before his actual birthday so my parents could stay with him that night and Brian and I went and stayed at the St. Paul Hotel for our 4th wedding anniversary.  We had a relaxing evening away, though Brian was rather sick and had stayed home from work a couple days earlier that week.  We are thinking we may go on a trip somewhere warm next year for our 5th anniversary...after being very spoiled during my 20's and having the opportunity to travel quite a bit for fun and for mission trips, I am REALLY missing the ocean not having been anywhere for a few years!!!

I love to scrapbook, and don't make nearly enough time to do it, but wanted to make a few things for Isaac's birthday.  I had planned to design something myself, but ended up ordering a DIY printable package from dimpleprints on etsy.  She sent me PDF's of everything and I printed it, cut it out and assembled it...
 Grandma & Grandpa Harrison got Isaac a Thomas the Train set for Christmas, and as soon as he opened it, I knew I would be using it for a centerpiece for Isaac's train themed birthday party...much to the amusement of my father-in-law.  =)

 Checking out his new wagon!
 He was very serious about blowing out the candles and having Happy Birthday sung to him.  We didn't get too many smiley pictures.  After we sang Happy Birthday once, he asked for it to be sung again...two more times.  =)  He loves that song and loves to sing it, too.

 Not a very good pictures, but it's the best we could do with Brian not feeling well, me having pink eye and Isaac not being a fan of posed pictures these days.  
Here's to many more Happy Birthday's to you, our dear Isaac!!!  We love you SO much!!! 

1 comment:

Lila said...

I also loved how he wanted his candles "on" again after they were blown out the first time. Have I mentioned how cute he is ?!?